Follies- May 14th-17th 2008 at the Secombe Theatre, Sutton.


        Director: Matthew MacDowall           Musical Director: Holly Stout        Choreographer: Keren Pullinger

        Cast:    BEN -David Ballard ......................YOUNG BEN -Adam Phillips
                                BUDDY -Seumas Grey ..................YOUNG BUDDY -Michael D'Ambrosio
                                SALLY -Linda Pullinger................YOUNG SALLY -Marion Hayter
                                PHYLLIS -Susan Sworn ...............YOUNG PHYLLIS -Elizabeth Hodson                               

                                ROSCOE/WEISSMAN -Al Clogston,     CARLOTTA -Dianne Norton,    STELLA -Dezzi Lloyd   
                                MR WHITMAN -Peter O'Donovan,     MRS WHITMAN -Hazel Henley,     SOLANGE -Bel Gibbs,     HATTIE -Jocelyne Wilson

            Ensemble:    Hamish Norbrook,  Geoff Greensmith,  Greg Shaw, Paul Sadler, Spencer Mitchell, Gavin Murphy, Callum McFadyen, Sarah Catling, Vicki Garton, Dominique Norbrook, Charlene Taljaard, Vicky Lincoln, Marilyn McPherson, Margaret Etches, Emma Newman Young, Laura Hutchinson, Georgina Christmas, Alison King, Kim Findlay, Mithu Mukherjee.   


        Summary: In a soon to be demolished theatre on Broadway in New York in the 1970s, a reunion of Weissman's Follies, the glamorous show that ran there every year from 1918-1935, is commencing. We follow two married couples as they attempt to cope with the memories of their former life at the Follies and their current problems, and we watch the ghosts of the performers from the show return to life, stirred up by their older selves' return. Finally, early in the hours of the next morning, the couples leave to continue their lives, laying their memories to rest forever.


Photo Credits: Rebecca Channon/ Ian Cole

All images, sets, costumes and related ideas on this website are the copyright property of Rebecca Channon except where otherwise stated. They many not be copied, used, downloaded or reproduced anywhere else or in any other format except with her written license and permission.