Medea    At Tara Arts Centre from 8th- 13th May 2007.                         Cast:    Caroline Kilpatrick, Selina Zaza, Catherine Kirk, Tanushka Marah, Robert Mountford.        Director:     Leanne O'Kasi

Summary: A 1920s Medditerranean feel is given to this play but the classical influences to this period are emphasised to provide a strong link. A marble floor has five material 'columns' in a semicircle around the space. Other characters watch the action from the sides outside the columns illustrating the voyeristic society fixated on Medea and Jason as Celebrities. These curtains can close to create hidden areas, giving Medea control over her privacy in the end, and eventually she breaks the rules of this world to create her chariot.

All images, sets, costumes and related ideas on this website are the copyright property of Rebecca Channon. They many not be copied, used, downloaded or reproduced anywhere else or in any other format except with her written license and permission.